
real kung fu

Traditional Techniques, Modern Approach

Iron Lotus Kung Fu integrates the battle-tested system of Hung Gar Kung Fu
with modern training methods and traditional meditation practices
to achieve diverse student goals.








Head Sifu
Devlin Miller

Sifu Devlin Miller has over two decades of experience in Hung Gar Kung Fu, and has taught empty hands and weapon skills to adults and children alike. He was raised in familys who regularly practiced traditional Judo, and Goju Ryu Karate while training with modern systems like kickboxing, submission wrestling & Jiu Jitsu. He spent his youth studying Taekwondo, until dedicating his martial arts training to Kung Fu as a teenager.

John Malone

Sifu John Malone has spent the past decade dedicated to mastering Hung Gar. He has also studied various traditional and modern styles since childhood, including Shuai Jiao wrestling, Tai Chi, Goju Ryu Karate, Xing Yi, Bagua, BJJ, and MMA.

Our Style

Lam Ga Hung Kuen

The Tiger and Crane

Lam family Hung Gar (Lam Ga Hung Kuen) is a Southern Chinese martial art (南派) which combines the direct, forceful movements of Tiger Style
with the evasive, indirect tactics of Crane Style.

This complete martial arts system includes empty hand techniques, weapons, and meditation, and was refined by masters over two centuries.